If you are in need of a car, you may be considering looking at older models that might save you a few bucks, however, if you do not shop around and do your homework you may wind up with a car with more problems that will cost even more in the end.
Before you rush out and start looking at every used car wherever you can find them you should know a few things about cars and even where to look for a used car. You can look through ads in the local newspaper or even watch the television commercials to find various locations to purchase used cars from individuals to used car dealers to auctions. Now, you where to look, but how do you know you will find a car that will be dependable without major problems.
The very first advice is to steer clear of auctions. In most cases, at car auctions, you do not get the chance to check out the car at all. They just drive them in front of the bidders and then move them out once they have a winner.
You can visit individuals that have their used cars listed in the newspaper. Once again, if you do not know the person, you are at their mercy to be honest. They may not even allow you to test drive the car before you purchase. This is a huge mistake if you have any idea of how a car should feel while you are driving down the road.
A used car dealership is normally your best bet. Of course, you will still need to do your homework. Just because they have a used car on their lot, they may not realize all the problems the car may have under the hood. In the majority of times, the used car dealer took the car in as a trade in on one of their new models. This only means they may not know the problems. In some cases, the dealer may have even fixed a few of the problems. In your best interest, you should ask if they know if the car has any problems and learn if they did any type of repairs.
Drive the car! Take it out on the highway and let her rip! Does the motor sound right? Is the steering pulling one way or the other? This could be a sign that there is a problem with the main frame. Look for blemishes and differences in the color of paint, this might mean the car was in a wreck at one time. If so, there could more wrong that just cosmetic. Look for any fluid leaks under the car. Of course, you will more than likely see stains on the ground, but check and see if the fluid is dry or wet. If it is wet, then the fluid more than likely came from the car you are checking out.
By: Hold Croft
Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com
About the Author:
Holdcroft: New and Used Car dealer in Staffordshire. Huge range of new and used cars including Honda, Mazda, Hyundai, Mitsubishi, Nissan, Renault, Subaru, Isuzu, and Saab.
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